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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry X- bicker-mas!! We still love each other!

Hello my dear friends.....*looking around nervously *....I’m a bit earlier today, just to tell you something really funny before thus brown pinhead comes.
Do you know  *giggle* how to get a garbage bag incl. stand walking around the kitchen?

It’s dead simple. I show you (‚Gelber Müllsack’ is the garbage bag and ‚Doof-Kopf’ is the pinhead):
As you can see, it’s very easy and doesn’t take much.
The best thing is: The parts joins together on there own. You not even have to lift a finger.
Helloooooooooo.......WHAT’S THAT?
Rike you stupid sneak, delete this immediately!!
No, I’m not, you’ve got just tell yourself that this happened to you.
There’s no prove for this!!!
Well, mistress first had a laugh as she saw you with your head in that thing, walking backwards through the kitchen....
That was sooo cheeky even to laugh at me!!!!
.....second my dear Flanna she was busy to release that gobball out of that awkward position.
So no chance for any pictures!
Although I would have kept you in that thing, at least you would have done no more nonsense! *lol*
Sure of you I expect nothing else, so now delete that immediately!!!
Never ever!!!
I’ll belt you one!!!!
Catch me first hahah!!!
What’s going on here???
You can’t even stop to bicker just before Christmas??
Ah mummy, just look what Rike has done, I’m sure now all gonna laugh at me!!!
This, my dear Flanna, would be well deserved, and now stop quarrelling!
We all wanted to wish our dear friends out there a merry Christmas.
You’re right mummy, we should stop this now!
This says the right, who has sta....
Shut Up!
Well all you dear friends of the shortbarks out there, we wish you all a merry Christmas! 
With a lot of treats for us furnoses!
And a lot of hugs and cuddles. 
Till next time (and last time this year)...bye, bye says

Flanna Neufundi and Rike Neuberner with Mummy Bea
 © Bea Grein
© translation: Detlef Grein


  1. Hello out there!
    I know, you had to wait for a long time for the shortbarks and I'm really sorry. But with relocating and starting a new job I was so busy that I found no time to translate Bea's lovely stories. But I promise that I gonna try my best to keep up with translating now.

    I wish you all a merry Christmas and all the best for 2013.

    Yours Detlef

  2. Und wieder eine herzerfrischende Geschichte.
    Ich liebe diese Art Geschichten.

    1. Danke, leider hinke ich mit den Übersetzungen etwas hinterher. Aber auf Deutsch gibt es ja jede Woche Nachschub. Bea hat das besser im Griff.

