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Saturday, June 09, 2012

On the road again

Yaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnn........ Oh, good morning to all of You!!! I know, You’re likely to dribble eagerly from one paw to the other and waiting fort he new “Shortbarks”! My 2legged friends (or 2leggies as we call them) are still on holiday so they stay a little longer in bed, especially my mistress. I exploit it, first waiting till my master left the bedroom, then snea into the room, carefully climbing up onto the bed and then lovingly waking up mommy with a lot of newfs slobberkisses.

I don’t know why she’s shouting Yyyyuuuuuk, but I suppose this is her expression of joy,  because after that I get a lot of hugs and then we snuggle for a while!
Ok, but now to the point I wanted to tell You, our fantastic excursion last saturday.
It was allread noon as we once again were allowed to get into the car and this time we travelled a little bit longer.
I used the time for a little nap and to flirt with with the passengers in the cars behind us.
As we arrived Rike was allready totaly excited because again she knew where we are!
We’ve been the first to arrive and so we had to wait for 5 minutes at the gate.
But then another car arrived and two 2leggies got out of the car which my staff seams to know.
They where so happy, if they would have had tails like we, they would have fallen of from wegging!*giggle*
This gate was the entrance to a huge fenced areal and I really wanted to get in there!!!

As I stormed in, I have someone completely overlooked.
A handsome guy on 4 paws has left the car aswell.
Chewbacca he’s called!
Here you could see him, together with my new friend Ronja which arrived a little later!
I really liked Chewy right away and we instantly became friends but there was one thing I really couldn’t understand: Why the hell he was allways only interessted in my backside???*brood*

During cavorting I suddenly recognised a small, black, fuzzy something whitch also was strolling around the areal!
This is not really....... YES, it was him!
 My still small but lovely half-brother Paaaaadddyyyy!!!
Isn’t he cute ???
He was it who brought Ronja with him. She’s living together with him an their 2leggies.

We, the tall ones were then able to get a round romp and ......Oh you know what, I just show You a few pictures. Just in case before my typist goes on strike because she wrote her fingers raw!
Catch me if You can

Rike our decency dog

My favorite picture
Paddy and me

If you now in the mood for more pictures, here is the link to our album: Meeting friends.

nfortunately, the time passed much too quickly, and once again it was time to say goodbye.
But I eavesdropped the 2-leggies and heard that they want to meet again soon in any case.
This is a good thing, I don’t want Paddy to be grown up when I see him again. In the moment I’m still the taller one but I’m afraid if he continues to grow like now it wouldn’t take long and he grow me over the head *sigh *. 

It would give as much to tell, but my stomach is growling,
It is not yet even be about time for.........lunch???  I'm off then.......scrape-squuueeeaak-rattle ........what You mean with „return and finish the writing“??????
Scooottt-sliiiidddee-braakeee........ Ok, it’s me again !!!
I'm supposed to say goodbye properly my mistress told me, otherwise I would get anything for lunch!

So, until the next time
bye says Yours
Flanna Neufundi

 © Bea Grein 
 translated by Detlef Grein

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